Just keep swimming! Treatment #4!

Just keep swimming! Love this guy with everything I have. My parents, sister, and I are so grateful for his love and support. He wins husband and father of the year for sure. Today should have been my first official day of summer vacation. Instead, I sat for 5 hours having blood taken, waiting to see a doctor, meeting with the doctor to discuss symptoms, waiting for chemo, and finally receiving my fourth chemotherapy treatment. Not exactly how I envisioned my summer when I was dreaming about it this past winter. But... God has a plan and there is a purpose for this journey that I am on. That purpose hasn't been revealed to me yet, but I am starting to find some positives from this whole journey. Today's treatment was the "long" treatment. I have an extra medicine pumped into me once per month called Zometa. This medicine is supposed to help relieve bone pain due to the cancer spreading to my bones. ...