Round 2

May 28... Round 2, here I come!  I was feeling much better going into this round and was hopeful that was a sign that the chemo did its job for Round 1.  I was pleasantly surprised during vitals to find that I had not lost any more weight (yay for stability!) and my pulse was down from over 100 beats per minute to 84!  I was getting tired of everyone asking if I was okay since my pulse was so high... No, I wasn't okay.  Why would they ask that?!

My appointment with Dr. Sinclair before chemo was very encouraging and brought me a lot of hope. She was very impressed with my reaction to the first dose of chemo.  With inflammatory breast cancer, you develop a rash, swelling, and hardness in the breast.  The rash is receding, the swelling has gone down, and the breast is not as hard as it was two weeks ago.  I also have a lot less bone pain and I feel like my lymph nodes are not as swollen.  The fevers have also disappeared.  I have had so many symptoms go away or lessen.  It kind of makes the whole treatment worth it, though I still wish I didn't have to do it, of course.  The doctor was not expecting this level of improvement after one treatment.  She wants me to go back to Dana Farber at the end of June/beginning of July for an update on what my next steps in the treatment plan should be.  I'm very pleased that she encourages me to go to Dana-Farber.  Some doctors can have large egos and feel that they don't need assistance from other doctors.  I like that she values Dr. Overmoyer's opinion.

After that appointment was a lot of waiting for Round 2 of chemo.  Chemo is put together on the spot based on your weight so you have to wait while it's put together by the pharmacy.  Jason, my husband, and Laura, my sister, went with me to keep me company.  You get a small room with a "comfy" chair for me, and 2 chairs for visitors.  There's a tv, but the volume is hard to turn up since it's just in the remote.  I tried to watch the Price is Right but it was on during the one part of treatment that the nurse hand administers so I didn't get to see much of it.  I felt like a kid at my grandmother's watching Price is Right like when I was little.  😂.

Round 2 brought on a headache, nausea, and some fuzzy eye issue.  But the headache and fuzzy eye issue are gone this morning, thankfully.  The nausea has lessened and as long as I take my nausea medicine on time, I can handle it.  So far no vomiting!  Last night my hair started falling out more rapidly.  It's only a matter of time at this point, I assume.  Deep breathing through it... it will be ok.  A friend has told me about a wig shop in Boston that I plan to check out next time I go.

I have to go to Blue Hill hospital at 1 today for a Neulasta injection.  This injection increases my white blood cell count to help me fight infection.  Blue Hill was awesome last time I went.  She gave me a tour of their very humble setting, but they are able to do this injection and the convenience makes going there worth it.  The nurse was super nice and was great with Owen.  It was the first time that we took Owen to any of my appointments since we knew this one was just a shot and would be quick.  She let Owen sit up in the big chair and checked his vitals just like she had done mine.  Then, with her assurance that the shot was pretty painless, I let Owen watch me get the shot.  Trying to set a good example for him!  Hopefully it will pay off and his next set of shots goes well.

I am so thankful to all of you that are praying for me and sending good thoughts.  I truly believe what you are all putting out into the universe is helping heal me.

Love this guy more than I can express!


  1. Awww. I you guys 💜

  2. Rosanna I'm sorry that cancer has come so invasively to you. Cancer has made me mad so many times over my lifetime with my mom, dad, and sister in law. The good news is that technology is so great since my mothers early and timely death in 1971. I myself am a product of advanced medicine with my quadruple bypass and lung complications treatment I wouldn't be here if technology weren't so advanced.

    I am praying for your recovery. You have such a wonderful family and friends that can help you through this process. I have told Laura on more than one occasion how jealous I have been of the Sherman Family. I have often wished that our family could have lived closely to one another and been as tight as your family.
    Let me know if I can help with family members or your transportation to and from Boston. I can also inquire with the airline I work for about complementary transportation from BHB to Boston if it makes sense.

  3. Thank you, Todd. Cancer is definitely not what I ever envisioned, but it is teaching me a lot of positive things. I've always known that my family is wonderful, but this experience is showing me that they are beyond wonderful. I also married into a beyond wonderful family. How blessed am I!

  4. I am so happy that you are responding so well to the chemo and feeling better!! Continued prayers for you, Jason, Owen, and the rest of your wonderfully supportive family. You are beautiful from the inside out! Please remember that when your hair isn’t as plentiful. Your heart and soul are what make you the beautiful person you are first. The outside package was just God’s bonus, and the hair loss is temporary. You will always be a beautiful person.

  5. Great news on your body’s quick response. Keep giving the extra TLC to yourself. Sending positive energy.

  6. I was so thrilled to finally meet Jason's precious family last May at Pam's wedding. We wanted you to know that we and our church friends up in Nova Scotia are praying for you and your family.
    We love you.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Love your positivity through this. Praying for healing.

  9. Rosanna: I have a lot to learn about praying, but will start with you. Always in my thoughts, Jim

  10. Dear Rosanna...You are a bright shining star and you will win this!! Positive healing thoughts flowing to you.

  11. What a beautiful picture! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Love you lots! Praying for your comfort, hope, and a complete recovery!!!


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