Taxol #15 & 16 - BELIEVE!

Shortly after writing my last blog post, I had some concerning symptoms that led me to be fearful of a recurrence. Thankfully those symptoms were timed perfectly with my Dana-Farber visit. Dr. Overmoyer listened, agreed that what I was saying could be concerning, and she ordered a skin-punch biopsy of what I perceived to be the worsening redness on my inflammatory breast cancer side. This biopsy was only going to rule out a localized recurrence if it came back negative. Since being on chemo, I had not had a repeat skin biopsy, so there was no way to tell if the cancer cells had ever disappeared. We were fully expecting the biopsy to show cancer cells and then Dr. O was recommending repeat scans. Anyway... after a week of waiting, the results came in... negative for cancer cells! This is very exciting news and prompted Dr. Overmoyer to refer me to the breast surgeon & radiation oncologist at Dana-Farber to see if they think surgery is a good option for me at this point. ...