Faith can move mountains Taxol #9

November 15 I had my 9th Taxol. I also saw what I think was the 6th or 7th doctor I've seen at Cancer Care of Maine in the 6 months I've been a patient there. This brought on a very serious discussion about my care. My main concern has been a lack of communication amongst the doctors and with me. I have been asking for about 6 weeks when my next scans will be, what scans will be done, when I'll see "my" oncologist again, and what next steps will be if results aren't optimal. For six weeks I have asked each doctor I've seen and called and asked the nurse multiple times. I usually get a general "relax, everything is fine" type of response. To say I have been frustrated is an understatement. I finally worked up the courage to demand answers. The nurse practitioner I saw listened to my concerns and validated all of the concerns I listed. A cancer patient should not get passed off to a different doctor every week. Questions should be answered...